Thursday 5 December 2013

18 November 2013

Make the world your office!
Without any frighten, i'd decided to go for Emirates open interview held in Johor Bahru (Thistle Hotel). Brush up my document which had been collecting dust on the table, book my ticket and fly all the way to Johor Bahru. because it wasn't where i was based all the while, i took a morning flight to fly all the way from Kuala Lumpur and i arrived the interview hall quarter pass nine. The open day or we call it screening day start at 0900 to1600(basically depends on the crowd). You can actually drop by anytime in between, but still suggested if u able to make it on time or even earlier is better. So you will be able to comfort yourself with the environment and people around you. boys and girls, you can always keep yourself update with Emirates open interview in

I don't know how was the actual interview flow goes until i was there. My rough idea from friends and some internet research wasn't the same like how am encountering. but i would say that was an amazing experience i ever had. It really happened like a dream. I always assumed that Open interview is a very very challenging interview. Why do i say so? Open interview meant everyone with any backgrounds, any qualifications and any talents are encourage to attend. We have to squeeze our mind, think out of a box to make ourselves outstanding among all. Of cause, never forget to BE YOURSELF.

Day 01- Open Interview Day
Well, come back to interview process. started at 0900 hrs with a company presentation presented by interviewer from EK. A rough introduction of Dubai and Emirates company background. During the presentation, the interviewers are taking opportunity to interact with candidates. Anywhere, any question appeared that wasn't part of the assessment, so don't feel stress on top of that. Among hundred and over candidates, of cause some of them will not be able to answer the question although u know the answer. But....relax! Sometime being over confidence aren't one of the benefit to see in a cabin crew. Next, candidates will need to submit resume one by one to the interviewer, just a very quick go through of your resume from interviewer. p/s: resume is advised to be as simple as possible, just make it neat and tidy will be perfect.  Make sure you have your accurate mobile contact number stated in the resume, because on the same day you will be call if you're shortlisted for the next assessment day. Recruiter have really limited time to go through the piles of resume so when the interviewer give u some simple questions just make it straight to the point.

Day 02- Assessment Day
Actual interview process will carry out on this assessment day, start at 0900 hrs sharp, and we're advised to be there at least 20 mins ahead from schedule just to make sure we're ready to begin the assessment on time. So, everybody...guess u will know what is your best time to get up from bed and get yourself done with proper attire and must take your breakfast. You will never know how long the assessment gonna be, basically they will not specified any break time in between. So...if you can prepare yourself with some sandwiches and water there would be a perfect back up plan.

Attire for ladies :
* Knee length pencil skirts.
* Blouse with sleeve, open neck. (no turtle neck or scarf cover on neck)
* Skin colour panty hose.
* Any formal heels will do.
* Hair : Any hair length after shoulder should be tied up (eg: Ballerina Bun, Loop Bun, French Twist and etc)
* Full make up but natural because sometime less is more. 

Attire for gentlemen :
* Standard business attire
* Hair : neat and tidy
* Limit after shave
First stage of interview started with group discussion whereby you will be divided into groups and the groups will basically depends on the total candidates. My groups was in two and each of the groups consists 17 candidates. 35 of us are shortlisted from open day among 100 over candidates. *blessed* During the group discussion, we are give to discussed with your selected partner before presentation meanwhile interviewer will do the arm reach test for each of us. Women- tip toe 212cm. The arm reach test is actually available in the hall during the open day. Therefore, make sure be truthful that u reach the limit before access to the assessment day, because they believe we are honest! After first round of assessment we will asked to wait for couples minute outside the assessment room and this is most temptation moment! Interviewer then will come out with a pile of folded paper and the paper will be given to the candidates according to our reference number and your result will be stated inside. It is either congratulation or thanks for your time. I believe you totally get what does it meant for the phase.

Here is how the folded paper look like :)

After the first round , shortlisted candidates will not have a specify number but they will take whoever qualify. On my day, it was 14 of us shortlisted to the second assessment which is English Test. You will given a specify time frame (1hrs ++) to complete the paper. A rough idea for the test is just some essay, comprehensive, vocabulary, grammar and things like that. SO....gentle reminder~ blush up some vocabulary to create a shinning essay! Same procedure after the test and you will get the result in another 30 minutes this time. Use the 30 minutes while they examiner your paper to refresh yourself, toilet break, tea break or anything. You will never know if you're going to be shortlisted for next stage and facing the even challenge question!

Tick...tock...tick..tock....30 minutes after the exam, and 10 candidates selected for third assessment which is another group discussion test. In this group, all the candidates is given one situation to solve out and present to interviewer. It is so interesting we got a role play question and each of us been test with the different character and different question throw to you immediately and you have to answer it. *Think out of the box

Not forget to tell the interviewer is nice person to interact with, basically they will not stress you out with any tough question but they love us to be creative and positive! And after the third assessment that is only 7 of us successfully get into the final stage which is on the next day. *Happily to say that am ONE of the seven candidates*  

Day 03 : Final Assessment 
This is the day when recruiter really read into your resume and have a better understanding on your background, working experience and personality. No hash question to be ask during the interview but all about your experience, sharing of thoughts, what problems had you been encountered and how did you solve them. It is an hour one-to-one session, but you definitely will not take that one hour as 60 minute. It jus passed like 20 mins after a conversation completed! well~ it's again, be yourself, never forget to bring on your Big Smile all the while! Stand straight inhale and believe me they are experienced in seeing people, be truthful is one of the strongest personality you owned.

Lovely souvenir for final stage candidates :)

while waiting for final assessment.

Take some time to know about Dubai, UAE.

Finally! Thousand thanks for spending time in my page and good luck for boys and girls who are going to move one step forward and achieve your dream!

Quote Of The Day:
If you don's go after what you want, you will never have it.
If you don't ask, the answer is always no.
If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.
-Nora Roberts-